Main Street Philatelics
+Sc. 1-Sc.75
+Sc. 134-150
+Sc. 187-215
+Sc. 216-229
+Sc. 230-245
+Sc. 268-284
+Sc. 314-327
+Sc. 328-342
+Sc. 343-373
+Sc. 374-413
+Sc. 414-480
+Sc. 481-497
+Sc. 498-518
+Sc. 519-550
+Sc. 551-573
+Sc. 575-591
+Sc. 595-613
+Sc. 614-630
+Sc. 631-648
+Sc. 649-668
+Sc. 669-691
+Sc. 692-771
+AIRMAIL Sc. C10-Sc. C52
+CANAL ZONE Sc. 1-19
+CANAL ZONE Sc. 60-135
+Advertising & Memorabili
+Auxiliary markings
+Aviation - Airmail
+Damage w/PO Seal
+Early Issues
+Early Fancy Cancel
+Event Covers
+Modern Fancy Cancels
+First Day Issues
+Fantasy / Oddities
+Hand Painted
+Labels & Seals on cover
+Military / APO
+Military-Civil War era
+Pictorial Slogan Meters
+Postage Due
+Space flights
+Stationey U.S. & Hawaii
+Precancels & Perfins
+Special Delivery
+Western Express
U.S. Stamps
Sc. 150 to Sc. 186
Sc. 151 VF-XF exampe w/ JUMBO margins @top & bottom Our Price....$180.00
Sc. 151 VF+ used example w/ even margins & PSE certificate Our Price......$225.00
Sc. 151 F-VF example w/ red cancel Our Price....$145.00
Sc. 151 VF+ example w/ will balanced margins all around & light cancel Our Price....$250.00
Sc. 151 VF-XF example w/ cork cancel & balanced margins all around Our Price....$260.00
Sc. 152 VF-XF example w/ face free cancel Our Price....$200.00
Sc. 152 VF-XF "Genuine used with a black cork cancel" & graded PSAG certificate (85) Our Price....$300.00
Sc. 152 VF-XF example w/ partial TARGET cancel Our Price....$200.00
Sc. 152 F-VF appearing example w/ face free cancel Catalog value....$210.00 Our Price....$150.00
Sc. 153 VF-XF appearing "Genuine used with Black Cork Cancel" & PSE certificate Our Price....$275.00
Sc. 153 F-VF+ appearing example w/ red cancel & faint horizontal crease Catalog value....$230.00 Our Price....$135.00
Sc. 153 F-VF+ appearing example w/ parital fancy cancel & perf faults Catalog value....$210.00 Our Price.....$140.00
Sc. 153 VF-XF appearing example Our Price......$275.00
Sc. 153 F-VF appearing example w/ SOTN fancy cork cancel Our Price.....$215.00
Sc. 153 VF-XF SOUND used example w/ red NYFM cancel & graded PSAG certificate (85) Our Price.....$255.00
Sc. 153 VF appearing example w/ ample margins Catalog value....$225.00 Our Price.....$185.00
Sc. 154 VF-XF centered example w/ light cancel & faint vertical crease Catalog value.....$275.00 Our Price.....$135.00
Sc. 155 VF appearing example w/ minor small faults Catalog value.....$350.00 Our Price....$250.00
Sc. 155 VF appearing example w/ cork cancel & perf faults Catalog value....$350.00 Our Price.....$285.00.00
Sc. 155 F-VF+appearing example w/ cork cancel Catalog value....$350.00 Our Price......$225.00
Sc. 156 VF-XF appearing example w/ "NEGATIVE 5 - POINT STAR" fancy cancel. Unlisted SKINNER-ENO Our Price.....$65.00
Sc. 156 F-VF appearing example w/BLUE "COILED SNAKE" fancy cancel (Unlisted in SKINNER) Our Price....$165.00
Sc. 156 VF appearing example w/ NYFM cancel VAN VLISSINGEN-WAUD G-5 Our Price.....$55.00
Sc. 156 VF-XF example w/ light DIAL cancel Our Price....$12.00
Sc. 156 VF-XF example w/ JUMBO margins Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 156 XF appearing example w/ light cancel Our Price.....$25.00
Sc. 156 F-VF appearing example w/ SOTN "MALTESE CROSS" fancy cancel. Unlisted in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 156 VF appearing example w/ SOTN "SOLID STAR within A 5-POINT STAR" fancy cancel. Unlisted in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 156 VF+ appearing example Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 157 VF hinged example w/ PSAG graded certificate (80) Our Price....$400.00
Sc. 157 VF-XF+ example w/ well balanced margins & "ARROWHEAD" fancy cancel Our Price....$85.00
Sc. 157 used as a revenue Our Price.....$150.00
Sc. 157 VFused example w/ graded PSE certificate (80) Our Price.....$30.00
Sc. 157 VF+ used example w/ light cancel & even margins all around Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 157 VF-XF light canceled example Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 157 VF-XF appearing example w/ partial blue cancel Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 157a VF-XF appearing DOUBLE PAPER example Our Price...$245.00
Sc. 157 VF-XF appearing example Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 158 F-VF+ appearing example w/ sotn MASONIC cancel Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 158 VF appearing example w/ "SOLID STAR" fancy cancel. Not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$10.00
FINE appearing example "PURPLE U.S. in CIRCLE" fancy cancel HERST-ZARESKI #122 Our Price.....$65.00
VF appearing example letter "NEGATIVE 'F'" fancy cancel not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 158 F-VF appearing example w/ purple 'SOLID 5-POINT STAR" fancy cancel Skinner-Eno ST-S-2 Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 158 F-VF appearing example w/ SOTN "MALTESE CROSS" fancy cancel Not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 158 FINE appearing example w/ Letter "D" in circle fancy cancel. Not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 158 VF appearing example w/ GINGERBREAD MAN fancy cancel (similar to HERST-ZARESKI #265) Our Price....$225.00
FINE appearing example w/ "MAN IN COFFIN" fancy cancel COLE JO-179 Our Price....$350.00
VF-XF appearing example w/ possible SILENT PRE-CANCEL marking (Unidentified) Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 158 VF-XF JUMBO example w/ light cancel Our Price.....$30.00
Sc. 158 VF-XF appearing example w/ even margins & light cork cancel Our Price....$15.00
FINE appearing example w/ LIBERTY BELL fancy cancel & Foundation certificate stating "THAT IT IS GENUINE" Our Price.....$185.00
Sc. 158 VF+ appearing example w/ "Maple Leaf" cancel Roholff L-9 Ex. Hubert Skinner Our Price....$125.00
Rohloff L-9
Sc. 159 VF-XF appearing example w/ "LARGE BLUE SHIELD" fancy cancel. Not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 159 VF centered example w/ NYFM (5 Pointed Star within 8 Pointed Star) cancel Our Price.....$40.00
Sc. 159 VF-XF centered example w/ Straight Edge & red NYFM cancel Our Price.....$45.00
Sc. 159 VF-XF appearing example w/ light cancel & rich color Our Price.....$35.00
Sc. 159 XF JUMBO example w/ 2019 graded PSE certificate (90-J) Our Price.....$160.00
Sc. 159 VF-XF exmple w/ light cancel Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 159 F-VF appearing example w/ "S inside U" fancy canceSKINNER-ENO PT-US-63 Our Price....$85.00l
Sc. 159 VF-XF appearing example Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 159 F-VF example w/NYFM cancel (6 spokes w/ boxed surround) Our Price...$95.00
Sc. 159 XF example w/ well balanced margins all around & SOTN cork cancel Our Price....$95.00
Sc. 159 F-VF example w/ NYFM cancel (Weiss GE-ENZ) Geometric Spoked. Wheel Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 159 VF-XF "Genuine used with a negative "H" cancel. Graded PSAG certificate (85) Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 159 VF-XF used example Our Price.....$30.00
Sc. 159 VF appearing example w/ NYFM cancel (8 radial spokes connceting to our valleys) VAN VLISSINGEN-WAUD G-6 Our Price.....$75.00
Sc. 159 VF-XF appearing example Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 159 VF-XF+ example w/ large even margins Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 159 F-VF appearing example w/ NYPM fancy cancel G-6 VAN VLISSINGER-WAUD Our Price.....$65.00
Sc. 160 VF+ example w/ light cancel Our Price....$80.00
Sc. 160 VF appearing MINT example w/ no gum & W.T. Crowe graded certificate (80) Our Price....$400.00
Sc. 160 VF+ example w/ partial NYFM cancel Our Price....$100.00
Sc. 160 VF used example w/ NYFM (Circle of Hearts) cancel Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 160 VF-XF appearing example w/ NYFM cancel (Weiss ST-8P4) 8 point star conncecting to outter circle Our Price....$135.00
Sc. 161 VF-XF appearing example w/ large margins & rich color Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 161 F-VF appearing example w/ SOTN "SHADED NYFM STAR" fancy cancel listed in VAN VLISSINGEN-WAUD #A-17 Our Price.....$60.00
Sc. 161 VF appearing example w/ small fault & possible "NYFM GEOMETRIC" fancy cancel not listed in SKINNER-ENO. Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 161 VF-XF++ example w/ large even margins all around & light cancel Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 161 VF example w/ light cancel Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 161 VF-XF light canceled example w/ large margins Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 162 VF-XF appearing example w/ well balanced margins all around & small thin Our Price....$100.00
Sc. 162 VF-XF appearing example w/ heavy cork cancel Our Price....$150.00
Sc. 162 VF-XF used example Our Price....$200.00
Sc. 163 F-VF example w/ "5 POINTED STAR IN CIRCLE" (Petersburg, VA) Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 163 variety VF VERTICAL RIBBED PAPER example w/ Light creases & pulled perf @ LL Catalog value....$250.00 Our Price....$150.00
Sc. 163 variety FINE+ used RIBBED PAPER example Catalog value....$250.00 Our Price....$130.00
Sc. 163 VF+ example w/ light cancel & deep rich color Our Price...$185.00
Sc. 163 VF-XF+ appearing example w/ face free cancel & corner creases Catalog value....$300.00 Our Price....$160.00
Sc. 163 F-VF example w/ bright rich color & partial WEDGES cancel Our Price....$100.00
Sc. 163 VF appearing example w/ corner crease @ bottom left Catalog value.....$150.00 Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 163 F-VF example w/ sotn CROSS ROADS cancel Our Price....$75.00
What else are you looking for!
Postal History covers available!
Contact US!
Sc. 165 1873 Regular Issue. XF phenomenally well centered w/a light cancel. XF & choice w/2015 PSAG graded certificate (XF-90) Our Price....$300.00
Sc. 166 VF appearing "genuine used REPERFORATED @ the top" w/ PSE certificate Catalog value.....$300.00 Our Price.....$90.00
Sc. 166 VF appearing example w/ heavy cork cancel Catalog value....$300.00 Our Price....$190.00
Sc. 166 VF+ appearing example w/ light registry cancel & paper wrinkles Our Price....$200.00
Sc. 178 VF appearing example w/ "NEGATIVE 'C'" fancy cancel not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price.....$20.00
Sc. 178 F-VF appearingUNLISTED example in SKINNER or VAN VLISSINGEN of a RARE NYFM cancel but similar to S-22 Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 178 F-VF example w/ partial NYFM fancy cancel (RARE cancel) VAN VLISSINGEN-WAUD G-14 oUR pRICE......$124.00
Sc. 178 F-VF appearing example w/ "NYFM" cancel VAN VLISSINGEN-WAUD S-2 Our Price....$85.00
Sc. 178 VF appearing example w/ fancy cancel SKINNER-ENO GE-P-67 Our Price....$55.00
Sc. 178 FINE appearing example w/ 1878 ST. LOUIS RY EDEN PRAIRIE cancel Our Price.....$25.00
Sc. 178 F-VF appearing pair w/ "N" cancel Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 178 Used as a revenue Our Price....$200.00
Sc. 178 FINE appearing example w/ small faults w/ "GEOMETRIC PIN WHEEL (possible NYFM) fancy cancel. Not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price.....$35.00
Sc. 178 FINE appearing example w/ possible "NYFM 'SNOWFLAKE'" fancy cancel. Not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 178 FINE appearing example w/ "PINWHEEL" fancy cancel. Not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price.....$15.00
Sc. 178 Fine used example w/ fancy "EAGLE" cancel Our Price....$150.00
Sc. 178 1876 Centennial Expo cancel on strip of 3 (Bomar P76-01) 225 recorded examples Our Price.....$100.00
Sc. 178 F-VF example w/ NEW YORK SHIP LETTER cancel Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 178 F-VF used examples WINNEBAGO CITY cancels & attached on reverse w/ hinge Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 178 VF centered example w/ NYFM "HOLLOW STAR in CIRCLE" cancel Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 178 VF+ centered example w/ parial red cancel & PHILADELPHIA foreign mail segmented cancel Our Price.....$40.00
Sc. 178 F-VF centered example w/ NYFM cancel BLUE SHIPS WHEEL Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 178 XF appearing example w/ pen cancel & well balanced margins all around Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 178 VF-XF appearing example w/ numeral "NEGATIVE 20" in circle Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 178 VF-XF appearing example w/ SOTN numeral "1" Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 178 VF appearing example w/ numeral NEGATIVE 18 Our Price......$25.00
Sc. 178 FINE example w/ orange NEW YORK PAID iSUPPLEMENTARY cancel Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 178 VF-XF+ light canceled example w/ well balanced margins Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 178 XF appearing example w/large well balanced margins & TARGET cancel Our Price.....$55.00
Sc. 179 VF-XF example w/ PHILADELPHIA FOREIGN MAIL cancel Our Price...$50.00
Sc. 179 VF-XF example w/ Duplex cancel Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 179 VF-XF example w/ light blue cancel & well balanced margins Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 179 F-VF used example w/ "PRINTING FLAW" Our Price.....$25.00
Sc. 179 VF-XF used example Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 179 XF-Superb used example w/ PSAG graded certificate (95) Our Price.....$375.00
Sc. 179 VF appearing example w/ ample margins all around Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 179 VF-XF appearing example w/ "Star in Circle" cancel & graded PSE certificate (85) Our Price.....$195.00
Sc. 182 VF-XF used example w/ SOTN "Target" cancel Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 182 VF-XF" used pair Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 182 XF JUMBO example w/ PSE graded certificate (90J) Our Price....$150.00
Sc. 182 VF-XF example w/ partial cork cancel Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 182 XF used example w/ light cancel Our Price.....$50.00
F-VF+ pair Sc. 183 (reinforced w/ hinge) w/ 1888 TOTAL WRECK, AZ (1881/1890) double ring cancel Our Price.....$350.00
Sc. 183 VF appearing example w/ large margins & Columbu, OHIO"TOMAHAWK" cancel Our Price.....$65.00
Sc. 183 VF+ light hinged example w/ gum wrinkle Our Price....$165.00
Sc. 183 F-VF example w/ Bridgetown, NJ ARROW cancel Our Price....$85.00
Sc. 183 Fine example w/ SOTN "Eagle" cancel similar to Skinner-Eno PT-E-9 Our Price....$225.00
Sc. 183 F-VF example w/ KICKING MULE cancel Our Price.....$175.00
Sc. 183 F-VF example w/ SHIELD IN CIRCLE fancy cancel Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 183 VF+ example w/ fancy "SKULL & BONES" CANCEL Skinner-Eno PH-S-10 Our Price....$165.00
Sc. 184 F-VF appearing example w/ "HERST ZARESKI #129 listed "U.S. INTERLOCKING" fancy cancel Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 184 F-VF appearing example w/ un-listed in SKINNER-ENO "COWBOY HAT" fancy cancel Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 184 F-VF appearing example w/ SOTN "ACORN" fancy cancel. Un-listed in SKINNER Our Price....$115.00
Sc. 184 VF-XF example w/ JUMBO side margins Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 184 XF appearing example w/ even well balanced margins Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 184 VF-XF example w/ light cancel & large margins Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 184 XF appearing example w/ face free cancel Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 184 XF appearing example w/ well balanced margins all around Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 184 VF appearing example tied on piece w/ MAPLE LEAF type 7 fancy cancel (rr) ROHLOFF L-12 Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 184 VF+ appearing example w/ SOTN "SEEING EYE w/ revdersed 242" fancy cancel. Unlisted in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$115.00
Sc. 185 XF JUMBO light canceled example Our Price.....$40.00
Sc. 185 VF appearing RE-GUM example Catalog value....$450.00 Our Price....$140.00
Sc. 185 VF-XF example Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 185 VF-XF JUMBO light canceled example Our Price.....$50.00
Sc. 185 VF-XF appearing example w/ partial Duplex cancel Our Price...$30.00
Sc. 186 VF-XF+ centered example w/ even margins all around Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 186 VF+ used example w/ partial Duplex cancel Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 186 F-VF centered example w/ PHILADELPHIA foreign mail & partial red cancel Our Price.....$50.00
Sc. 186 VF+ appearing example w/ Fancy cancel Our Price.....$22.00
Sc. 186 VF-XF centered example w/ PHILADELPHIA FOREIGN MAIL cancel sotn Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 186 F-VF example Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 186 XF appearing example w/ sotn cancel Our Price.....$75.00
Sc. 186 VF+ example w/ blue SOTN "Cross roads" cancel Our Price...$35.00