Main Street Philatelics
+Sc. 1-Sc.75
+Sc. 134-150
+Sc. 187-215
+Sc. 216-229
+Sc. 230-245
+Sc. 268-284
+Sc. 314-327
+Sc. 328-342
+Sc. 343-373
+Sc. 374-413
+Sc. 414-480
+Sc. 481-497
+Sc. 498-518
+Sc. 519-550
+Sc. 551-573
+Sc. 575-591
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+Sc. 631-648
+Sc. 649-668
+Sc. 669-691
+Sc. 692-771
+AIRMAIL Sc. C10-Sc. C52
+CANAL ZONE Sc. 1-19
+CANAL ZONE Sc. 60-135
+Advertising & Memorabili
+Auxiliary markings
+Aviation - Airmail
+Damage w/PO Seal
+Early Issues
+Early Fancy Cancel
+Event Covers
+Modern Fancy Cancels
+First Day Issues
+Fantasy / Oddities
+Hand Painted
+Labels & Seals on cover
+Military / APO
+Military-Civil War era
+Pictorial Slogan Meters
+Postage Due
+Space flights
+Stationey U.S. & Hawaii
+Precancels & Perfins
+Special Delivery
+Western Express
U.S. Stamps
Sc. 268 to Sc. 284
Sc. 268 XF used example Our Price....$55.00
Sc. 268 VF never hinged example Our Price....$100.00
Sc. 268 XF used example Our Price...$50.00
Sc. 268 VF-XF "Genuine used with black cork cancel" & graded PSAG certificate (85) Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 268 VF never hinged plate# single w/ copy of PF certificate strip of 3 Our Price....$115.00
Sc. 268 VF-XF+ light canceled example w/ even margins all around Our Price.....$25.00
Sc. 268 VF-XF appearing strip of 3 Our Price....$165.00
Sc. 268 F-VF appearing strip of 4 (NH & LH) Our Price.....$150.00
Sc. 268 XF-SUPERB used example w/ PF graded certificate (95) Our Price....$160.00
Sc. 269 XF used example w/ graded PSE certificate (90) Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 269 VF-XF+ example w/ even well balanced margins all around Our Price...$35.00
Sc. 269 XF-Superb+ used example Our Price...$210.00
Sc. 269 F-VF hinged example Our Price......$25.00
Sc. 269 VF-XF appearing used example w/ graded PSE certificate (85) Our Price.....$45.00
VF never hinged example w/ graded PSE certificate (80) Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 269 VF appearing hinged example w/ disturbed original gum Catalog value....$45.00 Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 269 VF+ example w/ face free cancel & rich color Our Price.....$15.00
Sc. 269 XF used JUMBO w/ graded PSE certificate (90J) Our Price....$150.00
Sc. 270 VF+ used example w/ light cancel Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 270 XF appearing JUMBO example w/ graded PSE certificate (90-J) Our Price.....$185.00
Sc. 270 VF-XF++ light canceled example Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 270 VF-XF++ example w/ light cancel & even margins all around Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 270 F-VF hinged plate block of 6 Catalog value...$675.00 Our Price....$400.00
Sc. 270 VF never hinged example Our Price....$90.00
Sc. 270 F-VF never hinged plate # single Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 271 VF-XF used example Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 271 VF-XF+ light canceled example Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 271 VF-XF used example Our Price.....$20.00
Sc. 271 VF hinged example Our Price....$90.00
Sc. 272 XF used example w/ SOTN target cancel Our Price...$40.00
Sc. 272 VF-XF used example Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 272 VF+ centered RE-GUM example Our Price.....$40.00
Sc. 272 VF-XF used example Our Price...$15.00
Sc. 272 VF appearing hinged example w/ disturbed original gum. Catalog value....$70.00 Our Price.....$45.00
Sc. 272 XF-SUPERB example w/ graded PSAG certificate (95) Our Price....$165.00
Sc. 272 XF-SUPERB example w/ graded PSE certificate (95) Our Price....$165.00
Sc. 272 XF-SUPERB JUMBO w/ gem centering & luxurious margins. Light cancel & 2015 PSE graded certificate (95-J) Our Price....$225.00
Sc. 272 XF-SUPERB well centered example w/ light cancel & 2016 PSE graded certificate (95) Our Price....$165.00
Sc. 272 VF+ used example w/ balanced margins Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 272 XF light hinged example w/ 2018 graded PSE certificate (90) Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 273 VF-XF used example Our Price...$15.00
Sc. 273 F-VF appearing hinged example w/ disturbed original gum Catalog value.....$95.00 Our Price.....$60.00
Sc. 273 XF appearing example w/ PSE graded certificate (90) Our Price.....$60.00
Sc. 273 F-VF hinged example Our Price....$70.00
Sc. 273 VF-XF used example Our Price....$11.00
Sc. 273 VF-XF used example Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 273 XF example w/ graded PSAG certificate (90) Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 274 XF used JUMBO example w/ PSE graded certificate (90-J) Our Price.....$300.00
Sc. 274 XF used example w/ PSE graded certificate (90) Our Price....$135.00
Sc. 274 VF appearing block of 4 Our Price.....$100.00
Sc. 274 VF+ used example Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 274 VF-XF used example Our Price...$50.00
Sc. 274 VF-XF+ used example Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 274 VF+ hinged example Our Price....$190.00
Sc. 274 VF-XF++ used example Our Price....$95.00
Sc. 275 VF-XF used example Our Price...$90.00
Sc. 275 VF used example w/ graded PSAG certificate (80) Our Price....$55.00
Sc. 275a XF used exampe w/ PSE graded certificate (90) Our Price....$250.00
Sc. 275a VF-XF used example w/ PF graded certificate (85) Our Price....$90.00
Sc. 275 XF used example Our Price....$175.00
Sc. 276 VF-XF+ used example Our Price....$175.00
Sc. 276 VF-XF used example Our Price....$160.00
Sc. 276A VF appearing example w/ few faults including wrinkles Catalog value....$210.00 Our Price.....$140.00
Sc. 277a F-VF appearing example w/ Straight edge; heavy cancel & wrinkles Catalog value....$450.00 OurPrice....$250.00
Sc. 276A VF used example Our Price...$175.00
Sc. 277 F-VF used example w/ rich brilliant color Our Price....$300.00
Sc. 278 F-VF used example w/ small hinge thin @ top Our Price.....$200.00
Sc. 278 VF appearing example w/ small thin. Catalog value....$600.00 Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 279 VF-XF never hinged example Our Price...$45.00
Sc. 279 XF-Superb Genuine used example with Black cancel & graded PSAG certifcate (95) Our Price....$95.00
Sc. 279 F-VF never hinged plate # strip of 3 Our Price....$70.00
Sc. 279 VF-XF++ example w/ even margins all around Our Price....$18.00
Sc. 279 XF appearing example w/ light New York dial cancel & well balanced margins all around Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 279 VF-XF++ appearing example w/ well balanced margins Our Price....$18.00
BARRY 1902 Ohio Centennial Unusual boxed type hybrid postmark. Very Rare $159.00 on cover Nice cancel on piece Our Price.....$50.00
279 VF-XF centered example w/ vivid color Our Price.....$15.00
Sc. 279B tied on piece w/ BARRY Ohio Centennial p.m. w/ large lettering. "T" in Toledo is horizontal Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 279B F-VF never hinged plate # strip of 3w/ imprint Our Price....$70.00
Sc. 279Bf VF appearing NH top pair w/ imprint Our Price...$45.00
Sc. 279B VF-XF used example Our Price....$7.00
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Sc. 279B F-VF plate # block of 6. Top strip of 3 Lightly hinged while bottom strip of 3 NH Catalog value....$300.00 Our Price....$180.00
Sc. 279Bc VF light canceled example w/ PSAG graded certificate (80) Our Price.....$215.00
Sc. 279Bc VF+ light canceled example Our Price....$200.00
Sc. 280 VF-XF++ used example Our Price..$30.00
Sc, 280 VF-XF used example Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 280a VF-XF+ used example Our Price....$13.00
Sc.280 XF used example w/ graded PSE certificate (90) Our Price....$90.00
Sc. 280a VF-XF appearing example w/ JUMBO margins Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 280 VF example w/ light registry cancel Our Price....$7.00
Sc. 280 VF+ used example Our Price....$7.00
Sc. 280 b VF-XF example w/ brilliant color & light cancel Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 281 XF hinged example Our Price...$50.00
Sc. 281 XF used example Our Price.....$45.00
Sc. 281 XF light hinged example Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 281 FINE appearing block of 4 w/ sotn VENEZUELA hand cancel Our Price.....$20.00
Sc. 281 XF-SUPERB example w/ graded PSE certificate (95) Our Price...$190.00
Sc. 281 VF used example w/ graded PSAG certificate (80) Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 281 VF-XF example w/ graded PSE certificate (85) Our Price...$25.00
Sc. 281 VF appearing JUMBO hinged example w/ graded PSE certificate (80-J) Our Price.....$50.00
Sc. 281 XF hinged appearing example w/ large even margins Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 281n VF-XF+ used example Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 282 F-VF hinged example Our Price...$30.00.
Sc. 282 VF-XF+ never hinged example Our Price....$255.00
Sc. 282 VF never hinged example w/ bright rich color Our Price.....$140.00
Sc. 282 VF-XF example w/ face free cancel Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 282C XF+ used example Our Price...$70.00
Sc. 282C XF + lightly canceled example Our Price....$80.00
Sc. 282C FINE+ hinged example Our Price....$70.00
Sc. 283 VF-XF++ example w/ rich color Our Price....$55.00
Sc. 283 VF-XF++ example w/ ample margins Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 283 XF used SOUND example w/ graded PSE certificate (90) Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 283 FINE appearing block of 8 w/ WINFIELD, KS oval cancel Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 283 VF-XF appearing used example Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 283 VF-XF used example Our Price...$15.00
Sc. 283 XF appearing light hinged example w/ graded PSE certificate (90) Our Price....$295.00
Sc. 284 F-VF hinged example Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 283a VF used example Our Price....$#15.00
Sc. 284 VF-XF used example on piece tied w/ partial SHANGHAI cancel Our Price....$85.00
Sc. 284 XF-Superb used example Our Price....$300.00
Sc. 284 FINE appearing block of 9 Our Price.....$90.00
Sc. 284 VF-XF++ example w/ heavy cork cancel Our Price...$65.00
Sc. 284 VF appearing example w/ light cancel Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 284 VF-XF appearing example w/ light crease @ upper right & PSAG certificate Our Price....$40.00