Main Street Philatelics
+Sc. 1-Sc.75
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+Sc. 343-373
+Sc. 374-413
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+Sc. 481-497
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+Sc. 551-573
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+Sc. 631-648
+Sc. 649-668
+Sc. 669-691
+Sc. 692-771
+AIRMAIL Sc. C10-Sc. C52
+CANAL ZONE Sc. 1-19
+CANAL ZONE Sc. 60-135
+Advertising & Memorabili
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+Early Fancy Cancel
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+Modern Fancy Cancels
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+Military / APO
+Military-Civil War era
+Pictorial Slogan Meters
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+Western Express
U. S. Stamps
Sc. 374-413
Sc. 374 XF never hinged example Our Price...$45.00
Sc. 374 XF never hinged example Our Price....$45.00
Sc, 374 XF hinged example Our Price...$11.00
Sc. 374 VF-XF used JUMBO Our Price....$15.00
Sc, 374 VF never hinged plate # single Our Price....$20.00
c. 374 XF-Superb used example Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 374 SUPERB JUMBO LH examplew/ PSE graded certificate (98-J) Our Price....$175.00
Sc. 375a VF hinged booklet pane w/ plate # Our Price....$120.00
Sc. 375 XF++ JUMBO used example Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 375 VF++ never hinged plate # single w/ 1991 PF certificate Our Price......$25.00
Sc. 374 F-VF Light Hinged Plate Block Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 375 FINE top plate # block of 6 w/ 2 stamps LH & Hinged in selvedge Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 375 XF-SUPERB example w/ gem centering & neat machine cancel. 2007 PSE graded certificate (95) Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 375 VF-XF never hinged example Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 375 XF used example Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 376 VF-XF+ used JUMBO Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 376 XF used example Our Price...$35.00
Sc. 376 F-VF+ never hinged example Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 376 VF-XF light hinged example Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 377 VF-XF never hinged example w/ graded PSAG certificate (85) Our Price.....$100.00
Sc. 377 VF never hinged example w/ graded PSAG certificate (80) Our Price.....$70.00
Sc. 377 VF-XF never hinged example Our Price.....$75.00
Sc. 377 VF-XF used JUMBO w/SOTN cancel Our Pricde...$35.00
Sc. 377 VF-XF used example Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 377 VF-XF light hinged example Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 377 XF used example Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 377 VF-XF used example Our Price.....$10.00
Sc. 378 XF++ JUMBO example Our Price......$95.00
Sc. 378 XF appearing light hinged JUMBO w/ plate # & graded PSE certificate (90-J) Our Price.....$105.00
Sc. 378 F-VF hinged plate # single Our Price...$20.00
Sc. 378 VF-XF+ used example Our Price...$10.00
Sc. 378 XF used example Our Price...$20.00
Sc, 378 XF used example Our Price...$25.00
Sc. 378 VF-XF never hinged example Our Price....$80.00
Sc. 379 VF-XF used example w/ well balanced margins Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 380 XF-SUPERB well centered example w/ brilliant color & 2021 PSAG graded certificate (95) Our Price....$250.00
Sc. 381 XF hinged example Our Price....$100.00
Sc. 381 SOLD
Sc. 381 XF used example Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 381 VF+ used example Our Price...$9.00
Sc. 382 FINE never hinged example Our Price....$175.00
Sc. 383 VF-XF+ used example Our Price.....$10.00
Sc. 383 XF never hinged strip of 3 w/ plate #, imprint & "A" Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 383 VF center line block Top 2 Hinged & bottom 2 NH Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 381 VF-XF never hinged block of 9 Our Price...$55.00
Sc. 383V FINE never hinged vertical strip of 3 Our Price....$12.00
Sc. 384V F-VF never hinge guide line strip Our Price....$55.00
Sc. 384 FALWELL issue VF-XF light hinged pair (Group 4) Our Price....$100.00
Sc. 384 VF-XF+ used example Our Price...$7.50
Sc. 384V VF never hinged vertical pair Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 384 VF-XF SHERMACK control single (Meyer & Roth Co. Chicago) Our Price.....$50.00
Sc. 386 VF light canceled example Our Price....$90.00
Sc. 387 VF used example Our Price....$130.00
Sc. 390 XF used pair Our Price....$90.00
Sc. 390 F-VF+ never hinged line pair Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 390 XF+ used example Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 390 XF never hinged example Our Price....$50.00
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Sc. 390 XF used example Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 390 VF-XF used PASTE UP PAIR Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 392 XF used example w/ APS certificate Our Price...$115.00
Sc. 392 VF-XF used example Our Price...$65.00
Sc. 392 VF-XF used pair Our Price...$175.00
Sc. 392 VF-XF never hinged example w/ graded PSAG ceretificate (85) Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 393 FINE+ used pair Our Price...$70.00
Sc. 393 VF-XF used example Our Price...$70.00
Sc. 394 FINE used line pair Our Price...$275.00
Sc. 394 VF-XF centered example w/ short perf Our Price.....$50.00
Sc. 395 VF-XF used example Our Price...$90.00
Sc. 395 FINE+ used coil pair Our Price...$95.00
Sc. 396 XF used example Our Price...$145.00
Sc. 396 F-VF never hinged example Our Price....$85.00
Sc. 397 VF-XF++ lightly canceled example w/ large margins Our Price.....$35.00
Sc. 397 XF-SUPERB never hinged example w/ graded PSAG certificate (95) Our Price.....$195.00
Sc. 397 Magnificent gem XF-SUPERB JUMBO plate # single w/ 2014 graded PSE certificate (95-J) Our Price....$195.00
Sc. 397 VF-XF+ never hinged example w/ large margins Our Price...$65.00
Sc. 397 XF+ never hinged example Our Price....$150.00
Sc. 397 VF-XF used example Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 398 XF never hinged example w/ large balanced margins. Our Price....$110.00
Sc. 398 VF-XF example w/ large margins Our Price.....$10.00
Sc. 398 VF-XF never hinged plate # single w/ graded PSE certificate (85) Our Price....$90.00
Sc. 398 VF+ used example w/ New York Central Railroad PERFIN Our Price.....$10.00
Sc. 398 VF-XF light hinged plate # single Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 399 VF never hinged example Our Price...$150.00
Sc. 399 VF-XF light canceled example Our Price...$30.00
Sc. 399 F-VF appearing never hinged example w/ color offset on gum. 2012 APS certificate. Catalog value....$160.00 Our Price.....$90.00
Sc. 399 VF-XF example Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 399 VF+ light hinged example Our Price....$70.00
Sc. 400 XF used example Our Price....$90.00
Sc. 400 XF light hinged example (color offset on gum) Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 400 FINE++ never hinged example Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 400 VF-XF never hinged example Our Price...$350.00
Sc. 400-A XF-SUPERB example w/ exquisite centering & light cancel. 2020 PSAG graded certificate (95) Our Price......$225.00
Sc. 400A XF-Superb used example Our Price...$200.00
Sc. 401 XF used example Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 401 VF never hinged appearing example w/ large margins & PSE certificate Our Price...$60.00
Sc. 401 VF-XF used example Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 402 XF-Superb used example Our Price....$95.00
Sc. 402 VF-XF used example Our Price....$12.00
Sc. 403 XF+ used example w/ large well balanced margins Our Price....$125.00
Sc. 403 VF-XF used JUMBO Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 404 VF-XF used example Our Price....$100.00
Sc. 405 VF-XF used example Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 405 XF never hinged example Our Price..$40.00
Sc. 405b VF-XF hinged booklet pane Our Price...$50.00
Sc. 405 XF never hinged example Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 406 VF-XF used example Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 406 VF never hinged example Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 407 XF-Superb used example w/ PSAG graded certificate Our Price...$175.00
Sc. 407 VF-XF used example Our Price....$30.00
Check out our Graded Stamps listing
for additional examples!
Sc. 407 F-VF hinged example Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 408 F-VF never hinged KANSAS CITY ROULETTES w/ affidavit signed by Elmer R. Waters Our Price......$100.00
Sc. 409 VF-XF hinged KANSAS CITY ROULETTE w/ 2004 PSE certificate Our Price.....$180.00
Sc. 408H VF never hinged horizontal strip of 4 Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 408 VF never hinged SHERMACK guide line pair Our Price....$7.50
Sc. 408 XF never hinged block of 4 Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 408 VF-XF never hinged plate block of 6 Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 408 VF-XF never hinged block of 14 Our Price.....$35.00
Sc. 409V VF-XF never hinged vertical pair w/ leader Our Price.....$25.00
Sc. 409 VF-XF used center line block Our Price....$55.00
Sc. 409 VF-XF hinged plate block w/ imprint & "A" Our Price.....$40.00
Sc. 409 VF-XF light hinged plate block Our Price...$40.00
Sc. 409 XF never hinged plate block of 6 Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 409 VF+ never hinged block of 8 Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 410 F-VF used PASTE UP PAIR tied on piece Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 410 VF-XF never hinged line pair Our Price...$90.00
Sc. 408-409 1912 BRINKERHOFF COMPANY private perfs. VF never hinged pairs Our Price......$130.00
Sc. 410 Superb never hinged example w/ PSE graded certificate (98) Our Price.....$185.00
Sc. 411 XF light hinged line pair w/ graded PSE certificate (90) Our Price.....$70.00
Sc. 411 F-VF never hinged pair Our Price....$35.00
Sc, 412 XF never hinged example Our Price...$75.00
Sc. 412 VF pair (1 light hinged & 1 NH) Our Price....$60.00
Sc. 412 XF used example Our Price.....$125.00
Sc. 413 XF+ never hinged example w/ natural gum bend Catalog value...$230.00++ Our Price....$175.00
Sc. 413 XF-Superb used example w/ PSAG graded certificate (95) Our Price...$250.00