U.S. Stamps
Sc. 187 to Sc. 215
Sc. 188 VF-XF example w/ light cancel & well balanced margins Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 188 VF-XF example w/ face free cancel Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 188 VF light canceled example Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 189 F-VF example w/ SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL cancel Our Price.....$25.00
Sc. 189 VF-XF appearing example w/ REGISTRY cancel Our Price...$45.00
Sc. 189 VF example w/ deep rich color Our Price.....$25.00
Sc. 189 VF JUMBO example w/ purple cancel & PSE graded certificate (80-J) Our Price....$80.00
Sc. 190 VF-XF appearing example w/ perf fault @ top left Our Price....$100.00
Sc. 190 VF- XF light canceled example Our Price....$135.00
Sc. 190 VF-XF appearing example Our Price....$135.00
Sc. 190 VF used example w/ PSE graded certificate (80) Our Price....$105.00
Sc. 190 VF-XF example w/ ample margins all around Our Price.....$115.00
Sc. 190 FINE example w/ deep rich color Catalog value.....$90.00 Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 190 VF+ appearing example w/ small hinge thin Catalog value....$90.00 Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 191 VF+ appearing example w/ small repair on back Catalog value....$375.00 Our Price...$115.00
Sc. 191 F-VF example w/ light registry cancel Catalog value.....$375.00 Our Price.....$225.00
Sc. 191 VF example w/ partial oval registry cancels Catalog value....$375.00 Our Price....$325.00
Sc. 191 F-VF example w/ cork cancel Catalog value....$375.00 Our Price....$250.00
Sc. 205 VF-XF+ example w/ light cancel & large margins Our Price...$50.00
Sc. 205 FINE example w/ sotn "June 20, 1888 LOVELOCKS, NV (1875-1922) cancel Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 205 VF-XF light canceled example Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 205 XF choice used gem, beautifully well centered w/ huge JUMBO margins & PF graded certificate (XF-90J) Our Price....$250.00
Sc. 205 VF+ appearing example w/ SMALL SHIELD in CIRCLE" fancy cancel not listed in Skinner-Eno Our Price.....$25.00
Sc. 205 F-VF appearing example w/ SOTN "E" fancy cancel Skinner-Eno LS-E-3 Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 206 VF-XF+ appearing example w/ 1887 Dial cancel Our Price.....$15.00
Sc. 206 XF appearing example w/ Duplex cancel & well balanced margins Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 206 VF-XF appearing example (clipped perf @ top left) w/ Shield in Circle cancel Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 206 VF-XF+ appearing example w/ large even margins Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 206 F-VF used pair on piece tied w/ Caldwell, Idaho Territorial STAR & TARGET cancel on piece Our Price.....$55.00
Sc. 206 VF+ example w/ light cancel Our Price...$10.00
Sc. 206 XF JUMBO w/ flawless color, massive balanced margins, b& c.d.s. & bright paper w/ Syracuse duplex c.d.s. & graded PF certificate XF-90J) Our Price....$145.00
Sc. 206 VF-XF light canceled example w/ well balanced margins Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 206 VF+ large margined example w/ faint "TARGET" cancel Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 207 F-VF example w/ sotn 5 POINT SOLID STAR cancel Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 207 XF appearing example w/ even margins all around Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 207 XF appearing example w/ sotn TARGET cancel Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 207 VF-XF example w/o gum Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 208 VF-XF example w/ large margins & faint pen cancel Our Price....$150.00
Sc, 209 XF++ beautifully well centered example w/ large margins & neat 5 point star w/ hollow center in circle & graded PF certificate (XF-90XQ) Our Price...$175.00
Sc. 209 XF-SUPERB appearing used JUMBO example w/ graded PSE certificate (95-J) Our Price.....$350.00
Sc. 209 VF-XF+ hinged appearing example w/ JUMBO margins & double row of perfs @ bottom Our Price....$200.00
Sc. 209 VF example w/ sotn TARGET cancel Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 209 VF+ light canceled example Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 209b VF-XFappearing GENUINE used example w/ small thin @ right as mentioned in PSAG certificate Catalog value....$350.00 Our Price....$200.00
Sc. 210 VF-XF appearing example w/ CROSS fancy cancel & PF certificate Our Price.....$105.00
Sc. 210 Fine used example w/ U.S. MAIL cancel Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 210 FINE appearing example w/ SOTN letter "C in CIRCLE" fancy cancel not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 210 VF appearing example w/ SOTN letter "M" fancy cancel not listed in SKINNER-ENO Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 210 F-VF appearing example w/ SOTN "SHADED STAR" fancy cancel SKINNER-ENO ST-SH-3 Our Price.....$30.00
Sc. 210 FINE example tied by Grand Lake, ARK (DPO 1834/1957) Octagon cancel & STAR in CIRCLE "killer" Our Price......$35.00
Sc. 210 VF+ example w/ sotn STAR cancel Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 210 VF-XF example w/ sotn TARGET cancel Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 210 XF lightly hinged example w/ PSE graded certificate (90) Our Price....$95.00
Sc. 210 VF used example w/ straight -line PAID cancel & graded certificate (80) Our Price....$40.00
Sc. 210 VF-XF very lightly cancelled example Our Price...$15.00
Sc. 210 VF-XF light cancelled example Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 210 FINE example tied on piece w/ SETZLERS STORE, PA (1827-1888) cancel Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 210 VF appearing example not listed in SKINNER-ENO "NEGATIVE 5-POINT in CIRCLE" fancy cancel Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 210 VF appearing example w/ SOTN "E" fancy cancel Our Price.....$20.00
Sc. 210 F-VF appearing example w/ letter "NEGATIVE 'P'" fancy cancel Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 210 VF appearing example w/ Letter "NEGATIVE 'S'" fancy cancel. Our Price....$15.00
Sc. 211 F-VF never hinged example w/ corner perf crease @ lower left stated in PSE certificate Catalog value....$800.00 Our Price....$250.00
Sc. 211 XF example w/ light cancel & even margins all around Our Price.....90.00$
Sc. 211 VF used example w/ rich color Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 211 VF+ example w/ light cancel & well balanced margins Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 212 VF-XF hinged example w/ W.T. Crowe graded certificate (85) Our Price.....$155.00
Sc. 212 VF-XF large example w/ light sotn cancel Our Price....$10.00
Sc. 212 VF+ example w/ large margins Our Price...$5.00
Sc. 212 VF+ example w/ large margins Our Price...$5.00
Sc. 213 F-VF appearing example w/ unlisted in SKINNER "GINGERBREAD MAN IN OCTAGON" fancy cancel Our Price.....$135.00
Sc. 213 VF-XF appearing example w/ interlocking "U.S. MAIL" fancy cancel HERST-ZARESKI #142 Our Price.....$95.00
Sc. 213 VF-XF+ light canceled example w/ ample margins all around Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 213 VF-XF JUMBO example Our Price....$45.00
Sc. 213 XF "Genuine used" example w/ PSE graded certificate (90) Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 213 XF JUMBO appearing example w/ Duplex cancel Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 213 F-VF example tied on piece w/ Y.Z. TENN (Grainger Co. 1883-1895) Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 213 FINE example tied on piece w/ Millvile, OH cancel & STAR IN CIRCLE killer Our Price....$25.00
Sc. 213 VF-XF+light canceled JUMBO Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 213 XF+ appearing light canceled example w/ faint 4 ring TARGET cancel @ bottom & APS certificate Our Price....$65.00
Sc. 213 VF-XF+ example w/ light cancel Our Price.....$30.00
Sc. 213 FINE appearing example w/ SOTN "US INTERLOCKED" fancy cancel. Our Price....$35.00
Sc. 213 VF appearing example w/ SOTN "TARGET cancel w/ 3-CIRCLES" OurPrice....$15.00
Sc. 213 VF appearing example w/ SOTN "WHEEL of FORTUNE" fancy cancel Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 214 VF-XF+ example w/ balanced margins & rich deep color Our Price...$125.00
Sc. 214 VF-XF example w/ face free cancel Our Price....$75.00
Sc. 214 XF appearing example w/ Large margins & Boston registry cancel sotn Our Price....$150.00
Sc. 214 VF appearing example w/ light cancel & rich color Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 214 VF+ appearing example w/ registry cancel Our Price....$50.00
Sc. 214 XF example w/ magnificent centering & color. Bold strike of double oval NY cancel & 2020 PF graded certificate (90) Our Price.....$250.00
Sc. 215 VF appearing example w/ light face free cancel Our Price......$25.00
Sc. 215 F-VF+ example w/ Registry cancel Our Price....$20.00
Sc. 215 F-VF appearing example w/ light cancel Our Price.....$20.00
Sc. 215 VF "Genuine used" example w/ light cancel & graded PSE certificate (80) Our Price....$30.00
Sc. 215 VF appearing Large example w/ light cancel Our Price...$30.00
Sc. 215 VF-XF appearing example w/ well balanced margins all around Our Price....$45.00